With the cloud hosting pack, you’ll have an unrestricted variety of web sites within just a single hosting account. Enjoy infinite disk space and traffic quotas. Create an almost unlimited count of emails and also MySQL databases. You have all you could need to manage a wide range of sites at the same time.
Test our services with a 30 days free trial period. No credit card info necessary.
Start Free TrialModSecurity
A secure and safe web application firewall software
Our company offers an instant way of securing every web app in your account, irrespective of whether it is freshly installed or has been transferred from some other hosting supplier. All our cloud hosting packs offer ModSecurity – a web application firewall software, which is enabled automatically. We have configured it to automatically impede most hacker assaults. This means that when you host your website with us, it’ll be safer than before.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
A cloud web hosting system based on security–improved Linux–driven hosting servers
Our web hosting servers run a security–improved Linux distribution, which makes them very secure and stable. We have invested lots of time and research into developing a risk–free platform that is able to cope with enormous hack or DoS attacks without any disturbances to the hosting service or affecting your web site’s performance.
Solid–State Drives
Momentarily improve your website’s speed
If you wish to give your site a top performance boost, all you have to do is simply to host it with us. Our cloud hosting servers are furnished with solid–state disks, so on every server you’ll take advantage of unmatched read and write speeds, which will make your web site open much faster.
Thanks to the outstanding connectivity offered by all our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your site will start working significantly faster without any need for any further modifications from you.
Remote MySQL Access
Remotely connect to your MySQL database
Generally, a database could only be accessed by sites that are hosted in exactly the same web hosting account as the database. But using our quick and user–friendly Remote MySQL feature, you’ll be able to enable database access to some other hostname. This can be very helpful in case you possess different e–shops and want to share a client database among each one of them.
VPN Access
Secure, anonymous web surfing
If, for some reason, you have to erase your cyber footmark, we’ve an ideal solution for you. With any of our cloud hosting packages, you’ll be able to obtain VPN access and have your entire incoming and outgoing Internet traffic re–sent through one of our VPN data centers. And you will be able to take full advantage of the same Virtual Private Network settings on just about any gadget that’s connected online – your desktop PC, your notebook computer, your smart phone, etc..
99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee
A 99.9 percent uptime is guaranteed
At CharlotteWebs, we provide a ninety–nine point nine percent server uptime guarantee. This means that, rain or shine, your site will be up and running and everybody will be able to visit it. All this is possible by reason of the custom cloud hosting platform that we’ve created. It’s based on a significantly modified SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) distribution in order to ensure maximum server uptime for all cloud hosting users.
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Service guarantees
- Subscribe now. You won’t see any setup rates and you could make use of our 30 day reimbursement warranty if you are not fully pleased with our platform.
Compare our prices
- Take a glance at the tools and attributes offered by all of our web hosting plans. You can start with a smaller plan and upgrade with just a click as your web presence grows.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We’re available for you in business hours to respond to any queries regarding our cloud hosting services.