If your web hosting provider supplies live chat support, you are able to speak with a representative in real-time and learn helpful info or get a problem resolved promptly. The key advantage of using chat compared to calling to talk with a live person is that you will need only a computer with Internet connection, so that you will not pay any fees when you're in a different state or country. Furthermore, it'll be simpler to copy and paste details for example domains, usernames or error messages in other words details which are sometimes hard to share with the other party over the phone. The real-time chat is also a quicker approach to contact your web hosting service provider's support team as compared to using a ticketing system. What's more, in the event that some issue needs a little more time to be resolved, you are able to do something different while you wait for guidance on the live chat, so that you will not lose time - something that is impossible when you're on the telephone.

Live Chat Support in Cloud Hosting

As we believe that many situations are easily resolved when you speak with a live person, we offer a live chat service for all our prospective and active customers. The chat is online every day and our customer support agents can assist you with a number of questions and issues. In case you aren't our customer yet, you're able to find out more about our cloud hosting packages and the web hosting environment in general to make sure that your websites will work effectively on our servers. In case you already have an account and you've got some questions or you have any issues with any of our services, you will be able to join us on the live chat and we will provide the required info or assist you to troubleshoot the problem. You will have to open a trouble ticket for specific troubles which require longer time or the assistance of a system administrator, but for a number of standard troubles you can receive help right away.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

We provide live chat support that is accessible to all our potential and present customers. If you're looking for a new website hosting account, you are able to chat in real time to one of our agents and get more details about our semi-dedicated servers so that you can choose the best package for your sites. If you already own an account with us, we will be able to support you in a timely manner with billing, general and 1st level techmatters. Even though in some cases you will need to open a support ticket as there're problems that can't be resolved through a live chat, we will be able to assist you with various basic tasks, for instance setting up an email account in an e-mail client or forwarding one domain name to another. In this way, you'll get timely support and you will save a lot of time.