UPSs and diesel generators are 2 backup systems which are kept by website hosting service providers within their data centers in the event that there are interruptions in the primary power source or the current is unstable and unable to maintain the proper running of the web servers situated within the facility. UPS is short for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source and it's a highly effective battery that works non-stop. It is connected to both the power network and the servers all of the time, so anytime the power stops, the UPS is already operational, which prevents the machines from going down even for a second. The diesel generator is an engine that can supply the necessary energy to keep the machines operational for a longer period of time. In the event of an outage, the UPS gives the needed time for the diesel generator to start and then to take over until the main power supply is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Cloud Hosting

We offer you cloud hosting in 3 of the major data centers all over the world. They're located in the United States, in the UK and in Australia. Considering that data safety and server uptime are our priorities, all 3 facilities have numerous backup systems against power outages. Several diesel generators can keep the web servers up and running for hours or even for several days and every machine that's part of our cutting-edge cloud platform includes its own enterprise-class UPS to keep it operational until the generators kick in. This setup is amongst the reasons why you can easily guarantee a 99.9% hosting server and network uptime, so if you host your Internet sites within a shared account with us, you'll take advantage of a fast and extraordinary service and never having to worry about any disruptions due to electrical power outages.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you purchase a semi-dedicated server account from us, it'll be created on a cutting-edge hosting platform in a data center with a superb infrastructure. The Chicago-based data center uses an individual UPS for each hosting server or network switch located there to make sure that the proper functioning of any piece of equipment shall not be disrupted until effective generators start providing the required electric power. The latter can power the entire center for quite a while without the need to shut down any equipment, so each of the sites hosted on our hosting servers shall continue to operate at maximum speed and with no effect on their functionality. These electrical power backup options allow us to guarantee that a possible outage will never be a reason for your websites to go offline or to have lowered functionality.