Varnish in Cloud Hosting
Varnish is offered as an optional upgrade with each cloud hosting and if you’d like to use it, you can add it to your website hosting account via the Upgrades section in your Hepsia Control Panel. There’re two separate things that can be upgraded – the instances and the memory. The first one depends on the number of the websites that you would like to employ Varnish for, whereas the second, which comes in increments of 32 MB, pertains to the maximum amount of data that the data caching platform can cache at any given moment. The Hepsia Control Panel’s simple-to-use interface will permit you to switch off or to restart any instance, to see exhaustive logs or to get rid of the platform’s cache with just one mouse click. For optimal results, you can use a dedicated IP address for the websites that will use the platform. With Varnish, your site will open much faster, which means more satisfied website users and prospective customers.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers
Varnish is a feature, which is included by default with all semi-dedicated servers offered by our company and you can use it for load distribution purposes. It is available in your Hepsia Control Panel. The Varnish platform comes with 64 MB of system memory for cached data storing purposes and you can employ it with any website that you host in the semi-dedicated server account. In case you need more, you can increase the memory allocation. The memory itself is offered in increments of 32 MB in the Control Panel’s Upgrades section. The very same Upgrades section will enable you to create more instances as well, in case you’d like to use the Varnish caching platform with multiple websites. The two upgrades can be added independently – you can cache the content of a single resource-requiring site or run a number of Internet sites with the default memory allowance. You can take full advantage of the Varnish platform if you’ve got a dedicated IP address and you can get one with your semi-dedicated server plan as well. The Hepsia Control Panel will give you total control over the caching platform and, with no more than one single click, you will be able to clear the cache, to view a system log file or to reboot an instance.
Varnish in Dedicated Servers
If you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll obtain the Varnish caching platform at no extra fee and you’ll have complete control over it through a pretty easy-to-navigate GUI – you’ll be able to start, to cancel or to reboot an instance, to view an exhaustive system log, to delete the cache associated with any website and much, much more. Varnish will have several GB of memory at its disposal, so even if you manage large-size Internet sites with lots of visitors, you will notice the tremendously better website loading speeds and the lowered load on the machine. This will become a fact soon after you start using Varnish, as it will need some time to cache the pages that users access. You can make the most of the platform’s capability in case the sites that are using it also use a dedicated IP, but considering the fact that your server comes with a couple of IPs by default, you won’t have to pay anything on top of your monthly fee for the machine itself.