With the collection of Marketing Tools incorporated into the Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to begin promoting your brand new site, right after it is developed. Using the RSS News instrument, you can easily place a regularly updated news part in your web site. Utilizing the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can easily reroute your visitors in line with their country. In addition, via the Sitemap Generator, you can generate an in–depth sitemap for your website and send it to major search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

For super–quick search engine listing

A sitemap is a list of all pages on a web site that can be accessed by bots and end users. You may use a sitemap to inform search engines exactly which webpages within your website you want to be listed. In addition, a sitemap might help your clients find their way throughout your site. You’d normally utilize a third party sitemap application to obtain a sitemap for your site. Nonetheless, with us, you get a sitemap tool already available in your CharlotteWebs Site Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Resources area, click Sitemap Generator and after selecting the data format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your site will be all set in a few minutes and you will now be able to submit it to the search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Very easy location–focused redirections

CharlotteWebs offers a hassle–free instrument, which will help you narrow the visitors of your web site according to their country. For instance, with the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can easily forward all the visitors coming from Spain towards the Spanish version of your website in case you have such. This enables you to target your clients much more accurately and supply them with the online stay they expect.

No special capabilities or tech experience are required to work with the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the task.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the latest headlines on your web site

What is actually RSS? RSS is a method for publishing and gathering information. It’s being frequently used by media websites, personal blogging sites, newscasts, and so forth. The published information is readily collected by a feed reader and after that displayed to the consumer. Working with RSS, end users can easily acquire updates from a variety of sites and go through them in a sole location.

With our RSS News Syndication application, you can quickly insert information feeds from some of the world’s most common news channels and exhibit them on you web site.

RSS News